26 January 2021

Cindy Hill Mini-interview Series

Why did you decide to become a friend/volunteer/ board member of the Galway Music Residency?

I have always loved classical music. I first became involved with Music for Galway, then I met and became friends with Delia Breathnach who was managing the Music Residency at the time. She took me to a ConTempo concert and I was immediately hooked. I became a volunteer shortly thereafter. After years of free concerts I decided I should become a friend and support the programme I enjoy so much.

Why do you think the Galway Music Residency's work is important?

Arts are so important to a fully-rounded education, and GMR's educational outreach has just been phenomenal. Exposing children to music is vitally important to shaping their minds. Having the quartet in residence allows the musicians to become invested in the community and the people of the community to get to know them and appreciate their talents.

What GMR series/project/education activity is your favourite?

Although the 'From Europe With Love' series was a stroke of absolute genius, I have to say that the 3 Saturdays concerts are my very favourite, hands down. The variety of musicians and types of music are a great way to expose children and families to kinds of music that they might not otherwise hear at home or in school. They are tremendously enjoyable; I just love them.

As an aside, the one concert that sticks out most in my mind was the Halloween concert where the quartet accompanied the film 'Nosferatu'. That was one of the most magical and thoroughly enjoyable concerts I have ever attended.

Do you recall the first time you saw ConTempo in action?

I don't recall what they were playing at that concert but I do remember thinking that it was wonderful to be so easily exposed to gorgeous classical music, and I remember being eager to see them perform again.

How have you enjoyed music during the pandemic?

You Tube is great for seeing musicians and concerts - I like being able to see the musicians playing. Being a university student learning exclusively online, I have been listening to compilations and playlists while studying. I tune in for free online concerts quite frequently also. Of course, I watch and listen to ConTempo whenever I can!

If you'd like to get involved in Getting to Know You please email Julie at julie@thegalwaymusicresidency.ie.

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